VOR’s Christmas Party on Saturday December 17, 2022
Welcome to the Serve Team to make this experience possible for all the families attending!
On this page, you will find everything needed to pray and prepare for your role(s) at the Christmas Party. Please arrive on time for your shift and email vor@vorservices.org if you have any questions regarding your assigned role. We will have team leaders on the event day to provide guidance, direction, and backup. Most of all, let’s pray for each family and child who comes, that God’s Word and His message of hope in Jesus Christ will fall on good soil to bear fruit in His time.
Step 1: Scroll through the slides below for the day schedule and to understand what each family will experience as they walk through the site. Take time to read the role descriptions for the HEART of this event.
Step 2: Click on your assigned role(s) and read the description to familiarize yourself with what you need to do.
Entry Team
To provide a warm welcome to every family arriving and set the tone for the Christmas experience. To ensure the safe, fair, and organized entry and exit of vehicles on site.
Areas Covered
Street Entrance
Back Parking Lot
Site Escort
Step by Step
1. Check the ticket color of each family arriving, and admit the ones who are on time or late. Families arriving early will be asked to come back at their assigned window.
2. Provide wristbands (color coded based on the time window) for all individuals (including children) in the car.
3. Usher each car to the back parking lot and guide families to the Check-In Station (see event map above).
4. If appropriate, find out about accessibility needs (wheelchair, strollers, etc.) and help the family communicate the needs with Check-In team.
Team Leaders: Pastor Mike and Eric
Check-In Team
To welcome families (young and old!) to the Christmas Party experience and provide them with what they need (event passport and personal guide) to start the adventure.
Step by Step
1. Give a warm welcome to the family and ask to see their phone ticket number.
2. Check in each family’s ticket number on the online spreadsheet. Note the number of children and compare with the number on the spreadsheet (to ensure that we will have a gift for everyone).
3. Have families form groups of 10 and introduce each group to their Journey Guide. Provide the Journey Guide with the group’s passport, with the group’s number written on the front.
Team Leader: Cheri
Journey Guides
Demonstrate God’s love by knowing each attendee by name and hosting/walking with them through the Christmas experience. Be there to encourage or advocate for any needs of your group members.
Areas Covered
Check-In Table
Second-Floor Stations 1, 2, & 3
Ground-Floor Station 4
Step by Step
1. Receive the group passport from the Check-In Team and gather your group at a table near the escalator.
2. Introduce yourself and the group goal in the next 15-20 minutes (make it exciting for young kids by showing the passport and where you need to get stamps; there’ll be a surprise in the end!). Welcome each person, writing down their first names on the passport. For children, write down their mes PLUS age & gender. Refer to the sample for the correct format.
3. Walk through the stations from S1 Story – S2 Preparing Gifts – S3 Nativity – S4 Photo Booth as shown at the beginning of your shift. Keep your group together and excited, be attentive to what God is showing you, follow the Spirit’s lead for conversation direction, and minister with your presence of grace and peace.
4. At S4 Photo Booth, connect your group to the Photo Booth Team and say goodbye.
5. Return to Check-In for your next group!
*Restrooms are located on the second floor (where S1-3 are located) so feel free to ask your group if anyone would like to use the restroom before moving to Station 4 Photo Booth!
Station Leader: Anna and Deena
Station 1: Christmas Story
To present the Christmas story (video format) in the families’ heart languages Farsi or Arabic.
Step by Step
1. Welcome the group and confirm the language the video is to be presented.
2. Start the video and invite the group to quietly enjoy the story.
3. When the video ends, stamp the passport and preview the next station: preparing gifts for the King! On their way to Station 2, invite the group to notice (posted along the hallway) the many prophecies from the Bible pointing to the birth of Jesus Christ.
Station Leader: Anna
Station 2: Gifts for the King
Families will wrap gifts for the King and follow the star in preparation to meet Jesus at the Nativity scene (Station 3).
Step by Step
1. Set up three boxes, wrapping paper, and supplies for each group. Multiple groups can be wrapping at the same time, with one or two volunteers encouraging and supporting them along the way.
2. Introduce the purpose of wrapping the gifts in relation to the Christmas story.
3. Stamp the passport and invite the group to follow the star to the Nativity scene.
Station Leader: Deena
Station 3: Nativity Scene
Welcome the families into the birth of Jesus and consider the majesty of Christ the King.
Step by Step
1. Welcome and invite each group to place the three gifts (gold, frankincense, and myrrh) next to the manger of Jesus.
2. Have each child to decorate an ornament using stickers, to create a nativity scene that they can take home to remember what they experienced.
3. Stamp the group passport once everyone finishes their ornaments and are ready to move on to Station 4.
Station Leader: Deena
Station 4: Photo Booth Helpers
Welcome each family to take a picture to remember this Christmas experience. Provide a gift ticket to every child attending the event (for pickup when they drive to leave VOR).
Step by Step
1. The group will be released to the Photo Booth station by their Journey Guide.
2. Welcome each group and review the passport. If all 3 stations are stamped, congratulate the group and stamp the 4th box for the photo booth.
3. Guide each family to pick props and prepare to take a picture in front of the Christmas trees and backdrop.
4. Based on the passport (children’s age and gender), pull Gift Tickets and write the child’s First Name on each ticket. Keep all tickets each the corresponding passport.
5. Chidlren will receive their gift tickets when their photo is ready. Do not return the passport to families to avoid reuse. Remind parents to keep the Gift Tickets safe, required for picking up gifts right before they drive through to leave VOR.
6. Warmly invite families to get refreshments in the Community Tent & have fun in the Kids Corner (games & face painting!)
Station Leader: Rania
Community Tent - Hospitality & Kids Corner
Create an inviting space with refreshments for everyone and games for the kids, where adults can slow down and engage in deeper conversation with our prayer and outreach team.
Step by Step
1. Keep the refreshment tables filled and flowing. Clean the area regularly and set up new trash liners as needed.
2. Engage kids in games or invite them to face painting.
3. Be open to greet and interact with families as the Lord leads!
4. As families leave the Community Tent to get their cars, point them in the direction of the Gift Station as the final stop (drive-through) of the Christmas Party!
Station Leader: Laura
Prayer Station
Listen to the hearts of each family and bring their needs to the Lord Jesus. Partner with the Holy Spirit to minister to every broken-hearted and heavy-laden. Engage people with questions about the Christmas experience and point them to Jesus Christ.
Station Leader: Viola and Sheida
Gift Station Helpers
Wrap up the Christmas Party by blessing each child with a Christmas gift! Send off the family with a blessing and big smiles!
Step by Step
1.Have each car stop safely in Park with safe distance from one another.
2. Collect the gift tickets from each car.
3. Pull the gifts from the corresponding Age-Gender bins.
4. Present the gifts to the family and thank them for joining VOR’s Christmas Party!
Station Leader: Stacy
Step 3: Frequently Asked Questions
When should I arrive?
Shift 1: 7:30am – 12:30am
Shift 2: 11:30am – 4:30pm
Everyone in Shift 1 is encouraged to make sure Shift 2 volunteers are ready to serve before leaving the event. If you’re signed up for two shifts, please make sure that your first role is fully covered before moving to your second role.
Where is VOR located? Where can I park? Where do I check in?
Address: 622 N. Gilbert Street, Anaheim, CA 92801
Parking is available at Brookhurst Park (5 minutes walk to VOR) and nearby streets Greenacre and Ventura.
You will see a sign for Sandals Church at the street level.
Walk into the campus Building 2 and look for Volunteer Check-In Room (next to the ground floor patio) to confirm your role assignment and receive a site map. There will be group debrief and prayer time at the beginning of each shift.
How many families and children are expected for the Christmas Party?
This event is expected to serve around 120 families and 300 children. Note that this year, families will park their cars and walk through many stations and areas around the campus. All volunteers are part of a warm and welcoming experience for the families, as the aroma of Christ to anyone whom God brings your way.
Where are the restrooms located?
For families, please direct them to the restrooms in Building 3 (where the Stations 1 to 3 are located). Guests are free to use the stairs or elevators as preferred.
For volunteers, there are restrooms on both floors of Building 2 (where check-in and refreshments are located), as well.
How can we continue to partner with VOR?
We’re so blessed to have your presence and partnership!
- To make a donation: https://vorservices.org/donate
- To become a regular volunteer: https://vorservices.org/volunteer
- To raise awareness in your network via Instagram or Facebook: @voiceofrefugees
Step 4: Below is the invitation and event description received by the families, for your reference.
VOR’s Christmas Party on Saturday December 17, 2022
Important to Know:
1. This event is designed for families with children under 16 years old. If you have children under 16, you will receive an admission ticket (one per family) by text message or WhatsApp before the event on Saturday.
2. Your ticket will show the check-in time reserved for your family. You must arrive at VOR at that time.
3. Register only the children (under 16 years old) who are able to attend the event in person. Christmas gifts will be given to ONLY the children who attend the event.
We are so excited to see you. Merry Christmas and may God bless you!
هام جدّا – الرجاء قراءة الملاحظات
١. هذا الحدث مخصص للعائلات التي لديها أطفال دون سن ال16 سنة. لو لديك طفل دون ال16 عام من العمر، ستحصل على بطاقة دخول للإحتفال (بطاقة واحدة لكل عائلة) من خلال رسالة هاتفية أو على الواتساب يوم الجمعة.
٢. بطاقة الدخول ستتضمّن الوقت المخصص للوصول الى جمعية صوت اللاجئين مع عائلتك. الرجاء احترام هذا الوقت
٣. الرجاء تسجيل الأطفال (دون ال16 سنة) الذين سيتمكّنون من حضور الاحتفال شخصيّاً. سنحجز هدايا مميّزة لكل الأطفال المسجّلين والذين سيأتون للاحتفال
!نحن متحمّسين لنراكم يوم السبت القادم. كل عيد ميلاد وبركة الرب على حياتكم