Heba is from Lebanon. She arrived in America a few years ago with her adult son. She came for a time to pick up emergency food and, after a while, she stopped coming. About three weeks ago, she reconnected with VOR and asked specifically for the phone number of VOR’s Food Program Coordinator Rania because she wanted to talk. So Rania called her. Heba shared that she wanted to come and attend English classes. So she registered and started the next week. From the beginning, Heba was friendly and happy to connect with everyone, contributing a gracious presence to the community. At first, we thought Heba was a Christian from the way she spoke and dressed. One day, Rania happened to be driving Heba home so they had a chance to talk to each other on the way. So Rania ask, “Are you a Christian or a Muslim?” Heba said, “I am a Muslim, and also a Druze, but I love Christians and among my friends in Lebanon, there are Christians. We go on trips together and I used to go to church with them.“

Rania shared, “Seeing how Heba is open-minded and loves to learn about all religions, we talked about her family and my family. I asked if I could visit her one day. From that time onwards, Heba came to class every day. She loved helping out and asked if she could be a volunteer. I invited her to come on Thursday to help with food distribution, offering to pick her up because she didn’t have a car. Last Wednesday, God opened the door for me to visit her, as promised. Her adult son was there, too, working from home. It was a relaxed opportunity for us to share our stories with each other. Heba told me about her family, and I shared with her my journey and how the Lord Jesus changed my life. I spoke to her about the Lord Jesus, and I conveyed to her the message of salvation and love, prayed for her and for the house, and I gave her the Bible. Heba expressed how happy she was about my visit and continues coming to VOR every Thursday to help distributing food.”

To be continued!