Khadija & Kathy: New Life, New Purpose

TRAIL·BLAZ·ER  /ˈtrālˌblāzər/ One that blazes a trail to guide others; a pathfinder. “I started volunteering with VOR after hearing a friend share about Women’s Day. At the event, I met a few Arab ladies and enjoyed getting to know them. Soon afterwards, VOR referred...
Loving Jesus through helping refugee children thrive!

Loving Jesus through helping refugee children thrive!

Imagine the feeling of wanting the best for your children, yet not knowing what you can say or do to support their survival, let alone their success? At VOR, we have the honor of coming alongside refugee parents and to know their children by name. There are too many...

Maryam’s Quest

It has been over a month since the night that changed Maryam*’s life as she knew it. It started out like any other night. But in the late hours of May 8th, she found herself in an ambulance with a broken nose and two black eyes. A lot has happened since that fateful...
Care Team Testimony: A Story of Obedience & Prayer

Care Team Testimony: A Story of Obedience & Prayer

When Mira followed the Spirit’s nudge and responded to VOR’s call for Care Team partnerships, it was a simple act of obedience to God. Little did she know that, fast forward 3 months, a property two doors down from where she lived would become available to...
Friendship Story: Amanda & Soraya

Friendship Story: Amanda & Soraya

When the crisis in Afghanistan broke out in August 2021, there was an outpouring of concern and support from the Christian community. “How can we help?” – this question echoed daily in phone calls, email inboxes, and certainly, our hearts and minds,...
Friendship Story: Anna & Lalah

Friendship Story: Anna & Lalah

Describe a little about yourself and the friend you made through volunteering at VOR. My name is Anna, I am one of the ESL teachers with VOR. I grew up in the LA area, and was led to pursue cross-cultural missions and ministry while studying at Biola University. Lalah...