Heba from Lebanon: God’s overflowing love

Heba is from Lebanon. She arrived in America a few years ago with her adult son. She came for a time to pick up emergency food and, after a while, she stopped coming. About three weeks ago, she reconnected with VOR and asked specifically for the phone number of...

Amira from Yemen: From Animosity to Advocacy

When Amira first visited VOR, she felt cold and dismissive toward Christians. After all, she once taught the Quran to children at her local mosque. “What could followers of Jesus bring to the table when it comes to knowing God?” Her animosity sparked some...

Abdul from Afghanistan: Word in Progress!

We met Abdul’s family through a referral by our Afghan friends living in the same apartment community. A gentle soul, Abdul is a father of three sons and husband to Najiba, who has cancer. Thanks to rides provided by the VOR network (click here to join our ESL...