Part 3 of 3 – A Father’s Love

In our November and December newsletters, we followed the story of transformation for two Muslim families through the prayerful, steadfast service of VOR volunteers who taught English at their home – week after week – for over a year. After a fruitful time of receiving lively updates from our volunteers about faith conversations and fun outings, we learned that this partnership was drawing to a close. God had new seasons, new directions, new plans in store – for everyone. One volunteer faced job challenges in the family. Another was about to serve overseas. The two Muslim families themselves were no longer on good terms. And the family who initially requested service was moving to a new community! Is this story (at least the chapter involving VOR) coming to a close?

Then, one day, we received three new registrations for our on-site ESL classes. They all lived at the same apartment building not far from VOR. Guess who one of them was! What happened: after the move, this family who had earlier kept a distance from VOR, is now actively inviting their neighbors (including the one featured in the November story) to come and experience this surprising community of Jesus followers— a motley crew of ordinary people committed to helping them thrive…because their Father in heaven first lavished His love recklessly on them while they were sinners. These wary newcomers have, in God’s time, become persons of peace to invite others into a space where the love and truth of Christ are daily shared.

And God’s story continues. Will you pray with us?

Father God, author of our faith and all of our days, would you finish what You began in these two beloved families and their neighbors? Saturate their lives with Your love, through each learning moment at ESL, patient explanation by tutors working with their children, and sincere friendship growing day by day via rides and hospitality. Only Your love can heal all the wounds and despair. Only Your truth can set each family free. Only Your light can shatter the darkness. May Your glory be magnified. In Jesus’ name, we pray.